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The Rolla name has been synonymous with the highest efficiency, highest quality propellers in the world since 1963. Rolla offers fully submerged and surface piercing propellers as well as incomparable technical support. Each propeller design is run through simulations, with modifications made iteratively, until the optimal shape is achieved and customer expectations are met. Twin Disc, Inc. acquired Rolla in 2004.
Whatever your vessel type, Rolla’s team of passionate craftsmen use their experience and the latest cutting-edge technology to deliver the perfect solution for your specific application.
Watch ROLLA VideoComputational fluid dynamic (CFD) hull analysis, along with countless trials and thousands of successful applications, gives Rolla an unmatched technology database for designing precision propellers. A dedicated pattern for each application assures reliability, performance and longevity. Rolla propellers can be designed to meet any classification register, including Lloyd’s Register, ABS, RINA and others.
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Founded in 1983 by Philip Rolla, ROLLA SP Propellers SA emerged after two decades of dominating racing competitions with custom-made propellers. Recognizing the potential to enhance propulsion efficiency for high-performance craft on a larger scale, Rolla transitioned to serve a broader market. Today, Rolla offers a wide variety of services for every aspect of propeller design, manufacture and application, from complete hydrodynamic analysis and engineering capabilities to computational fluid dynamic (CFD) hull analysis to sea trials. Rolla has been part of the Twin Disc family of products since 2004, enabling Twin Disc to offer boat designers and builders, engine manufacturers and boat owners and operators one source to satisfy all their propulsion needs.
The Rolla name has been synonymous with the highest efficiency, highest quality propellers in the world since 1963. Rolla surface-piercing propellers provide the optimum solution to any performance and application requirement. In combination with an Arneson Surface Drive system, the result is the ultimate in marine propulsion.
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